Back Council of Europe presented achievements and future support for media freedom in the Republic of Moldova

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Council of Europe presented achievements and future support for media freedom in the Republic of Moldova

The Council of Europe project "Support for Media Pluralism and Freedom of Expression in the Republic of Moldova" has summed up and announced its strategic directions for 2025-2028. During the final steering committee meeting, significant progress was presented, including support to national authorities in adjusting the audiovisual and access to information legislative framework to European standards.

The project contributed to strengthening the capacities of the Audiisual Council, public broadcaster and other media institutions, increasing the professionalism of journalists through various trainings and diversifying media content. Trainings and capacity building was also organized for over 350 civil servants, lawyers and judges to better implement the new law on access to information.

Thanks to the project, the Strategy for Media Literacy for the Audiovisual Council was also developed and an innovative methodology for monitoring sexist discourse during electoral campaigns was created. The project also supported and carried out a comprehensive two-years’ Peer Review of the national audiovisual authority jointly with the Office for Communications (Ofcom) from the United Kingdom. These initiatives were complemented by the production of nine human rights documentaries and the Documentary Film Caravan.

For the years 2025-2028, through the project "Advancing Media Freedom in the Republic of Moldova," the Council of Europe reaffirms its commitment to support the consolidation of a pluralistic and free media landscape, essential for democracy and the rule of law.

Republic of Moldova December 2024
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"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression"

Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights

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