Back Plenary meeting: International Network of the National Judicial Trainers

Plenary meeting: International Network of the National Judicial Trainers

Following the commitment expressed during the second meeting of the International Network of the National Judicial Trainers on Cybercrime and Electronic Evidence (“the Network”), on 29 January 2021, GLACY+, iPROCEEDS-2, CyberSouth and CyberEast Projects, organized the on-line plenary meeting of the Network, to discuss over the Terms of Reference of the Network and 2021 workplan.

During the workshop, participating members agreed on the use of terms of reference as the rules for operating the Network. A short term action plan for 2021 and a workplan for 2021 have been discussed and agreed. As a concrete outcome, a series of monthly practitioners-to-practitioners workshops are envisaged to be designed and delivered by the members of the Network to their peers. It is expected that the workshops will be rolled out between February and July 2021.

Approximately 70 representatives from the participating countries (Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cabo Verde, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Ghana, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Paraguay, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine and Kosovo*) have taken part and contributed to the meeting. Participating members have actively engaged in the discussions and provided consistent feedback that led to the establishment of the Network and the endorsement of its future workplan.


 *This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.

ONLINE 29 January 2021
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