Back CyberSouth: Support judicial international co-operation on cybercrime and electronic evidence

CyberSouth: Support judicial international co-operation on cybercrime and electronic evidence

The joint European Union – Council of Europe CyberSouth project and the Public Prosecution Office of Morocco organised a training workshop on international cooperation mechanisms offered by the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and its protocols in Marrakech, on 23-24 November 2022.

Covering topics like the functioning of the Budapest Convention 24/7 point of contact and the implication of technologies in mutual legal assistance requests, the workshop enhanced the knowledge and skills of judges and prosecutors to choose - depending on the case - the best available tool (mutual legal assistance, rogatory letters, informal co-operation) to obtain and transfer information with other countries, including with ISPs.

The workshop completed the series of regional training activities for Moroccan magistrates, two of which being already organised in Tangier and in Fes, in October 2022.

The project will continue supporting the work of judiciary in Morocco through a dedicated workshop on the Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention and by facilitating the delivery of the basic judicial training course on cybercrime by national trainers.

 CyberSouth project webpage

 Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention

 The 24/7 Network established under the Convention on Cybercrime

Marrakesh, Morocco 23-24 November 2022
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