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CyberSouth: National Workshop on cybercrime procedural law in Algeria

Under the framework of the CyberSouth Project, on the 14th of October 2020, an online workshop on procedural law provisions on cybercrime and electronic evidence was held for the benefit of Algerian representatives.

The aim of this national workshop was to bring together the Algerian stakeholders responsible for drafting and enforcing cybercrime procedural law and assess whether the existing legislation follows the international human rights approach and rule of law standards. Representatives from the Ministry of Justice – magistrates and prosecutors dealing with cybercrime took part and contributed to the discussions.

This activity helped the Algerian stakeholders to widen their understanding on the international standards on cybercrime procedural law and safeguards and to introduce their legislative tools and procedures for conducting cybercrime investigations and collection of e-evidence. Lastly, the participants received recommendations for the harmonisation of the national legislation with the international standards.

The CyberSouth project will continue to support the reinforcement of the cybercrime legislation in the priority countries and further workshops will be organized in the upcoming period.

online activity 14 October 2020
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