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CyberSouth: Adaptation of the Judicial training for CyberSouth priority countries

The meeting on the Adaptation of the judicial training course on cybercrime and electronic evidence was held during 30 July-3 August 2018 in Strasbourg, France. The meeting gathered representatives from Algeria, Belgium, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia from specialised cybercrime units, prosecutors and judges.

The meeting was the occasion to present the content of the judicial course to CyberSouth countries and discuss how to adapt it when delivering in country training. The discussions were the occasion for participants to exchange on the content of the course. The results of this meeting will be used in the organisation and delivery of the training course for magistrates in the project CyberSouth. Until February 2019, all CyberSouth countries will have benefited from basic and advanced judicial courses on cybercrime and electronic evidence. This activity has as objective to create a pool of trainers in each country, available to deliver local trainings. In January 2019, a regional training on judicial strategy will be held, to discuss on the integration of these courses in the training curricula of judicial institutes.

Strasbourg 3 August 2018
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