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CyberEast: Pilot Judicial Training in Ukraine

Within the framework of CyberEast, a joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe, a group of around 30 judges from across Ukraine, together with National School of Justice staff and trainers, have received training through Introductory Cybercrime, Electronic Evidence and Online Crime Proceeds Course.


The pilot course, aiming to demonstrate and adapt the Council of Europe training materials on cybercrime and electronic evidence, was a response to long-standing request from the project country team of Ukraine for such training. The course attracted great interest from applying judges and has been well-received by the participants.


The event was held on the premises of and in close cooperation with the National Judicial School of Judges of Ukraine, leading to mutual commitment between the National School and the Council of Europe to continue with similar training sessions in 2020. Further training and work in joint Working Group will eventually lead to development of judicial training tools and materials, which will be employed by the National School to integrate the training on cybercrime and electronic evidence into their standard curriculum.

Kyiv, Ukraine 4 - 8 November 2019
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