3rd Meeting of the Protocol Drafting Plenary

(Draft) Agenda

Wednesday, 28 November 2018, 9h30 - Thursday, 29 November 2018, 18h00
Palais de l’Europe, Room 1, Council of Europe, Strasbourg

T-CY(2018)33 Draft agenda of the PDP 3 [pdf]

1. Outcome of the 4th meeting of the Protocol Drafting Group (PDG)

PDP members are invited to discuss the Summary Report of the 4th meeting of the PDG (17-19 September 2018).

T-CY (2018)28 - Summary Report of the 4th PDG meeting

2. “Video conferencing”

PDP members are invited to consider the draft text of this provision and elements of the Explanatory Report (as contained in document T-CY(2018)20rev, version 20 September 2018) in view of preliminary adoption.

3. “Endorsement model”

PDP members are invited to hold detailed discussions on “endorsement model” (document T-CY(2018)4)

4. “Jurisdiction”

PDP members are invited to hold detailed discussions on the working paper on “jurisdiction” (document T-CY(2017)35)

6. Updates on other provisions

PDP members will be provided with updates and are invited to exchange views on:

  • “direct cooperation with providers” (document T-CY(2017)34);
  • “international production orders” (document T-CY(2017)30);
  • “extending searches/access based on credentials” 1 (document T-CY(2017)33);
  • “joint investigations and joint investigation teams” (document T-CY(2017)32);
  • “investigative techniques” (document T-CY(2017)28).

1 Formerly known as „transborder access“

7. Outcome of the consultations with data protection experts

PDP members are invited:

  • to discuss the results of the consultations with data protection experts on 26 November;
  • to exchange views on the discussion paper on “conditions for obtaining subscriber information in relation to dynamic versus static IP addresses” (document T-CY(2018)26, version 25 October 2018).

T-CY(2018)26 Discussion paper on “conditions for obtaining subscriber information in relation to dynamic versus static IP addresses”

8. Next meeting

T-CY members are invited to decide on the proposal to hold the fourth meeting of the Protocol Drafting Plenary from the afternoon of 9 July to evening of 11 July 2019, following T-CY 21.