Back iPROCEEDS-2: ToT on Training Skills when delivering trainings on cybercrime and electronic evidence

Online (Kosovo*) , 

From 8 to 11 February, the Joint Project of the European Union and the Council of Europe iPROCEEDS-2 delivered to Kosovo* judges, prosecutors and cybercrime investigators/digital forensics specialists the Training of Trainers on Training Skills. The programme has focused primarily on “how to deliver trainings” on cybercrime and electronic evidence.

The course was born out of the consideration that being subject-matter experts on a given topic, technology or business, does not mean that you have the capacity to effectively share your expertise and know-how with other professionals or colleagues: this requires special skills in training or coaching. In other words, substantive knowledge and ability to train do not come as a package. Whilst some experts are natural-born trainers or have a natural flair or talent for training, others might need to be “made” trainers.

The course is aimed at ensuring that trainings implemented at national level are in line with the principles of adult education, and sufficiently hands-on so as to be able to address not only knowledge but also the skills and practical competences of participants, using a variety of different methods that will also make them able to trigger interests amongst members of the judiciary.

This training course will be delivered during the implementation year 2022 in all iPROCEEDS-2 countries/area so to increase the available pool of domestic trainers and their knowledge.


*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.