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iPROCEEDS-2: Second Steering Committee of the project

The second Steering Committee of the Joint Project of the European Union and the Council of Europe iPROCEEDS-2 – Targeting crime proceeds and securing electronic evidence on the Internet in South East Europe and Turkey, was held online, on 24 November 2020.

Organized with the aim of assessing the effectiveness of the project strategy and the latest achievements in the priority countries/area, the meeting gave the opportunity to the representatives of the project countries/ area, to express their needs and to contribute to the workplan for the next implementation stage.

All project team members – prosecutors specialized on cybercrime, cybercrime investigators, FIU analysts, CIRTS/CERTS, Ministry of Justice and Judicial Academies and representatives of the European Commission and the Council of Europe were invited to attend this event.

The meeting was officially opened by Ms. Alessandra VIEZZER, representing the European Commission who expressed her appreciation for the work carried out by the Council of Europe and the way of managing the implementation of the project under the pandemic circumstances.

Mr. Virgil SPIRIDON, in his capacity of Head of Operations of the Cybercrime Programme Office from Bucharest, emphasized the commitment and efforts of the project team to achieve the planned objectives and to adapt the activities to the new reality and to the needs of the project countries/ area.

The meeting concluded with the adoption of the project workplan for January – June 2021 and the main outcomes were the assessment of the project implementation in the last 6 months as well as the collection of feedback and recommendations from the project team members.


Online 24 November 2020
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