Council of Europe Programme Office

San Marco 180C
30124 Venice

 +39 041 5711099

CoE premises are located in St. Mark Square, Procuratie Vecchie (near the clocktower).

You can reach the office by foot from Piazzale Roma or the train station (30 minutes walking) or by boat from the airport Marco Polo (45 minutes).

The Head of Council of Europe Office in Venice

Mario Schwetz graduated in Law from the University of Trieste. 

Since 1995, he has worked for the European Parliament where he held various positions.

In 2011, he was based in Washington at the European Union Representation. 

Since January 2013 he has held the position of Director at the European Parliament and in 2022 was Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence at the Robert Schumann Centre for Advanced Studies.

Since 2024 he is Director of the Council of Europe in Venice. 



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