Back The Canton of Neuchâtel innovates and reaffirms its traditions of openness

​Based on the recommendations of the Community for Multicultural Integration and Cohesion (CICM), the Neuchâtel State Council confirms the Canton’s commitment to interculturalism. The canton has also innovated by adopting a roadmap for egalitarian and open government. Through this, it has undertaken both to combat discrimination and to reflect the diversity of the population of Neuchâtel as faithfully as possible through an exemplary approach.
The Canton of Neuchâtel innovates and reaffirms its traditions of openness

For many years, the Canton of Neuchâtel has been a pioneer of integration policies. In addition, its legislative agenda indicates clearly that it intends to continue capitalising on its diversity, regarding it as an asset.

To cement this ambition, the State Council has set clear priorities, based on the recommendations on intercultural integration made recently by the CICM. The government intends, in particular, to draw on the cantonal integration programme (PIC), which links it with the Confederation in confirming its historical commitment to interculturalism. These matters are covered in an information report from the State Council to the Grand Council, to which the CICM’S four-year report is appended.

At the same time, the State Council has been putting its words into action, tangibly enhancing the exemplary nature of public measures to manage diversity. As a result, the government has adopted a roadmap to promote egalitarian and open government.

This roadmap is an unprecedented step in Switzerland and it is designed not only to combat discrimination but to capitalise on diversity proactively so as to create a climate fostering creativity and dynamism. Through this innovative approach, the Canton is making an exemplary commitment to ensure that everyone is recognised as a full citizen and has equal access to public services.

The action plan is divided into three parts, which will be implemented over several years:

  • A Canton that attempts to lead the way, through its communication and its awareness-raising campaigns, and ensuring that it applies the principle of equal rights in all its activities;
  • A Canton that provides services, ensuring that important information is available and understandable to all its population, and whose workers are trained in and aware of diversity management;

Lastly, a Canton that sees to it, as an employer, that it promotes diversity and encourages job applications from people of diverse backgrounds at all hierarchical levels.

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