Consultative Committee of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals
with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data

(Convention 108)

44th Bureau meeting


Paris, Council of Europe office

26 March 2018 (09:30 am) - 28 March 2018 (01:00 pm)



1. Opening of the meeting


Abridged report of the 35th Plenary meeting

(Strasbourg, 20-22 November 2017)


Abridged report of the 43rd Bureau meeting

(Geneva, 18-20 December 2017)


Work programme for 2018-2019


Rules of procedure


2. Adoption of the agenda


3. Statement by the secretariat


4. Modernisation of Convention 108


Required action: The Bureau will take note of the information provided by the secretariat.





Abridged report of the CAHDATA meeting
(Strasbourg, 15-16 June 2016)


Draft questionnaire on the evaluation and follow-up mechanism


Information elements on the evaluation and follow-up mechanism


5. Protection of Health-related data


Expert: Ms Jeanne Bossi Malafosse, Paris, France.

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the expert and will finalise the drafts further to the written comments received.


Compilation of comments received


Draft Recommendation on the protection of health-related data


Draft explanatory memorandum (new! 26 03 201)!



Presentation report on the possible update of the Recommendation n° R (97) 5 on the protection of medical data by Ms. Jeanne Bossi Malafosse.

Recommendation N° (97) 5

on the protection of medical data




Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the Secretariat.



Draft Guide


7. Mauritius Cooperation Arrangement

Expert : Mr Gert Vermeulen, full professor of (European and international) criminal law and director of the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP)


Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the expert and will decide on the necessary follow-up.



8. Cooperation with other Council of Europe bodies and entities


Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the secretariat.



9. Work programme for 2018-2019


Expert: Mr Alessandro Mantelero,  associate professor, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the secretariat and will decide on the necessary follow-up.


Work programme 2018-2019


 “Technological convergence, artificial intelligence and human rights

Parliamentary Assembly (PACE)


10. Overview of activities and major developments in the field of data protection


Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the secretariat.



11. Observers


Required action: The Committee will take note of the information provided by the observers.


Observers - State of play and admission criteria


12. Next meetings


Required action: The Committee will take note of the proposed dates for the next meetings.


13. Any other business

"Programme HELP" - Mr Jean-Luc Sauron, National Tutor (France) HELP

Draft Agenda of the 36th Plenary meeting (new! 23 03 201)!


Draft order of business

(provisional and subject to change in light of the work pace)


26 March 2017

27 March 2017

28 March 2017


9.30 am

9:30 am

9:30 am


Items 1,2,3 and 5

Item 5.

Item 8
and remaining ones


1:00-2:30 pm

1:00-2:30 pm

1:00 pm


Item 5

Items 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8



6:00 pm



Informal gathering

8:00 pm