Accountability of the Judicial System in Montenegro
Action summary
As part of the European Union and Council of Europe programmatic framework “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey”, the Council of Europe is implementing the Action “Accountability of the Judicial System” in Montenegro. The Action foresees a series of activities addressed to the Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils of Montenegro, as well as to its Judicial Training Centre.
The focus of the Action will be on strengthening the overall capacities of Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils, and of the Judicial Training Centre, bringing them in line with European standards. This will be achieved through a series of training and outreach events targeting judges, prosecutors, staff of the Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils and of the Judicial Training Centre, and the general public, as well as through revision of relevant legislation and support to its implementation.
Overall objective
The Action will contribute to strengthening the capacity of the Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils and the accountability of the whole judicial system in Montenegro.
Outcomes and expected results
Objective 1: The Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils have strengthened the capacities to recruit, assess and promote judges and prosecutors on transparent, merit-based and non-discriminatory criteria. .
Expected outputs:
- Secondary legislation is drafted to improve recruitment, transfer, promotion and assessment of judges;
- Judicial Council’s capacities are strengthened through transmitting knowledge and skills to enhance recruitment, assessment and promotion.
Objective 2: Enhanced accountability of the judicial system through support to the implementation of the Code of Ethics for judges and prosecutors.
Expected outputs:
- Mechanisms for strengthening the implementation of the code of ethics for judges and prosecutors are identified;
- Judges, prosecutors and the public are aware of new ethical standards through capacity building activities and awareness raising campaign.
Objective 3: Enhanced accountability of the judicial system through support of the implementation of disciplinary procedures for judges and prosecutors.
Expected outputs:
- Mechanisms for ensuring objective and transparent implementation of disciplinary procedures are identified;
- Capacitates of judges and prosecutors to apply disciplinary procedures have improved
Objective 4: Strengthened institutional capacity of the Judicial and the Prosecutorial Councils.
Expected outputs:
- Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils rules, procedures, tools and working methods have improved and are more transparent;
- Professional capacities of the secretariats and members of the Councils, including for monitoring and evaluation of national justice strategies and strategic budgetary and human resources planning, are enhanced
Objective 5: Judicial Training Centre empowered to implement the 2015 Law on the Centre of Training of Judiciary.
Expected outputs:
- A strategy for implementation of the 2015 Law is drawn up and introduced by the Judicial Training Centre (JTC);
- Training programme of the JTC is based on the actual needs of the judges and prosecutors.
This webpage has been produced using funds of a joint project between the European Union and the Council of Europe. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.
- Duration: 24 months (from 1 November 2016 to 23 May 2019)
- Beneficiaries/Partners: Judicial Council, Prosecutorial Council, the Supreme Court, Ministry of Justice, Office of the Supreme State Prosecutor, the Bar Association of Montenegro, the Judicial Training Centre
- Funding: The European Union and the Council of Europe
- Budget: 787.163EUR