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Înapoi Training on communication for Equality Council and the Ombudsperson Office staff

Training on communication for Equality Council and the Ombudsperson Office staff

Staff from the Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality and the Ombudsperson Office learnt how to organise communication campaigns; audience research techniques and how to measure the impact of a campaign. They also learnt about media monitoring during the two-day training course on communication, held on 4-5 October in Chisinau.

During the second day of the training, the trainers presented how to write campaign messages, case studies on communication campaigns and practical work on how to plan a communication campaign. The last session was dedicated to non-verbal communication: how we interpret the tone, the gestures, movements of the person in front of us vs. how we use tone, the gestures and movements to be better communicators.

The event was organised within the joint European Union/Council of Europe project "Supporting national efforts for prevention and combating discrimination in Moldova", part of the Partnership for Good Governance programme.

Chisinau 08 October 2018
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 Planul de Acțiune pentru Republica Moldova

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