Planul de Acțiune al Consiliului Europei pentru Republica Moldova 2021-2024 a fost elaborat ca un instrument de cooperare strategică menit să sprijine reformele naționale cheie și, în cele din urmă, să alinieze în continuare cadrele legislative și de reglementare, instituțiile și practicile țării în conformitate cu standardele europene. Planul de Acțiune este bine aliniat cu strategiile naționale și documentele de politici, cum ar fi Strategia Națională de Dezvoltare „Moldova 2030”, Strategia privind asigurarea independenței și integrității sectorului justiției (2021- 2024) și Planul de acțiuni pentru implementarea acesteia, precum și Planul național de acțiuni în domeniul drepturilor omului.

 The Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova 2021-2024 at a glance

As of January 2024, 17 country-specific and regional projects/multilateral areas of intervention.

 It include large scale European Union Council of Europe joint programmes such as the Partnership for Good Governance.

The overall financial volume allocated is of almost 24 million euros.

Adopted by the Committee of Ministers in November 2020 and officially launched in Strasbourg on 19 April 2021.

Continues to tackle issue addressed in the second Action Plan (2017-2020):  implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights’ case law at national level, aligning national legislation and practice concerning anti-discrimination and gender equality with European standards, strengthening the national child protection framework to combat sexual exploitation and abuse of children, enhancing the independence and accountability of the judicial system, improving electoral legislation and practice, reforming the prison system and promoting alternatives to detention, advancing the compliance of national practices with European standards in the field of media and Internet governance, enhancing data protection in the country, developing the capacity of law enforcement and other agencies to respond to corruption and money laundering and increasing dialogue and building confidence between divided communities.


 Video on the Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova
 Video storytelling on the impact of the Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova on people in their everyday lives


  The second meeting of the Steering Committee of the Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova 2021-2024: progress assessment