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Înapoi More protection against child labour and better access to schools are some of the recommendations for the Republic of Moldova

More protection against child labour and better access to schools are some of the recommendations for the Republic of Moldova

A new report on the implementation of the European Social Charter in the Republic of Moldova was prepared by Dr Olivier De Schutter, Council of Europe expert. The report was developed based both on desk research and on a fact-finding mission conducted in Chisinau in December 2017.

The report identifies the main gaps in the implementation of the European Social Charter in the Republic of Moldova and the obstacles that the country faces in fulfilling its commitments under the Charter. The report provides a set of concrete recommendations which, if taken into account by the national authorities, could lead to a better implementation of the European Social Charter in Moldova.

This report was prepared under the joint EU/CoE project on supporting national efforts for prevention and combating discrimination in Moldova, part of the Partnership for Good Governance.

Please find the report at the following link: http://rm.coe.int/report-the-implementation-of-the-revised-esc-in-the-republic-of-moldov/16807822f6   

Chisinau 31.01.2018
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 Planul de Acțiune pentru Republica Moldova

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