Retour Climate refugees, labour migration and missing refugee and migrant children in Europe

Climate refugees, labour migration and missing refugee and migrant children in Europe

On 30 September - 4 October 2019, during the upcoming autumn session of the Parliamentary Assembly, two reports adopted by the Migration Committee will be debated: “A legal status for ‘climate refugees’” (rapporteur Marie-Christine Verdier-Jouclas, France) and “Labour migration from eastern Europe” (rapporteur Ionut Strohe, Romania). Other topics of discussion include the protection of victims of forced displacement under international law, European policies on diasporas and violence and discrimination against religious minorities among refugees in Europe.

On 18 September 2019, in Amman (Jordan), the Committee’s Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies will hold a regional conference on “The economic potential of diasporas”, with the participation of Jordanian parliamentarians, the IOM and other international experts.

On 6 September 2019, in Paris, the Parliamentary Assembly´s Migration Committee discussed a report on “Missing refugee and migrant children in Europe” presented by Ms Serap Yaşar (Turkey) and exchanged views with Cyril Gout, Assistant Director of Interpol. The Committee also discussed “Concerted action on human trafficking” focusing on a report prepared by Vernon Coaker (United Kingdom), and exchanged views with NGOs from Germany (“Sisters”, Berlin) and the United Kingdom (Anti-Slavery International) on the subject. Another exchange of views took place during the meeting with representatives of France terre d'asile, Nidos guardianship organisation, Utrecht (Netherlands) and the French Office of the Defender of Rights, centred on Sahiba Gafarova’s (Azerbaijan) report on effective guardianship for unaccompanied and separated migrant children.

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