Retour Euro-Arab youth leaders discussed fate of young refugees seeking asylum in Europe

Euro-Arab youth leaders discussed fate of young refugees seeking asylum in Europe

From 5 to 8 November 2019, the seventh edition of the Euro-Arab Youth Forum was co-organised by the Council of Europe, the League of Arab States and the European Youth Forum at the European Youth Centre Budapest. Entitled “Dialogue on Youth, Peace and Security” the forum brought together some 100 youth leaders and multipliers, active in intercultural dialogue and peace-building from member states of the Council of Europe and the League of Arab States. The participants learned about the UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security and how it can support their own work. They shared experiences and learned together about human rights and skills in advocacy, campaigning, human rights education, intercultural learning, social media and sustainability. Twelve follow-up projects were prepared to support peacebuilding and dialogue by young people. Recommendations to the organisers about the future of the cooperation were also made.

A major source of concern at the forum was the fate of young migrants seeking asylum in Europe and the risks they face for their physical integrity and dignity in the process. Many of them flee armed conflict and insecurity. The participants also discussed the alarming situation regarding the brain drain of specific professionals from some Middle East and North African countries, such as doctors and engineers, who are offered opportunities to migrate to European countries and in doing so indirectly contribute to difficulties in accessing the right to health care (for example) in their societies. This has resulted in that, indirectly but surely, this phenomenon has become one of the push factors for migration.

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