Retour World Refugee Day: New video featuring European Qualifications Passport for Refugees

World Refugee Day: New video featuring European Qualifications Passport for Refugees

On 23 June 2020, to mark the World Refugee Day, the Council of Europe, in co-operation with the UNHCR and the City of Strasbourg, launched a video entitled "Everyone can make a difference - Every action counts". In the video, the Council of Europe´s European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR) project was featured through refugees´ own experiences on how the passport had helped them to contribute to their host societies.

"The European Qualifications Passport for Refugees has really helped me to get into the Strasbourg Faculty of Dental Surgery" highlighted Majed, a EQPR holder, who graduated from the Faculty of Dental Surgery in Syria and was working as a dentist before fleeing his country. "As soon as I have passed the conversion exam, I will immediately look for a job as a dentist" he added.

The EQPR enables refugees to have their qualifications assessed even in the absence of a full documentation. The EQPR, as a document, can be used by refugees when they wish to enter further studies or when they seek employment.

"With the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees, the Council of Europe is creating opportunities and opening doors" emphasised Sjur Bergan, Head of the Council of Europe Education Department, in the video.

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