Retour GREVIO published its report on Denmark

GREVIO published its report on Denmark

On 24 November 2017, the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO), published an evaluation report on Denmark. The report contains an overall analysis of the implementation of the provisions of the Istanbul Convention. It highlights positive initiatives in preventing and combating all forms of violence against women at national level and provides suggestions and proposals to improve the situation of women facing such violence.

Denmark is internationally recognized for its high levels of equality between women and men, finding its place among the most gender-equal societies in the world. Despite these achievements, violence against women in Denmark, as elsewhere in Europe, remains an issue in need of attention. In the report, GREVIO strongly encourages the Danish authorities to develop a long-term coordinated strategy, giving due importance to all forms of violence against women, including those perpetrated within migrant communities. It also encourages the Danish Immigration Service to introduce a data collection system that records asylum claims on the basis of gender-related persecution and their outcomes. GREVIO also noted the absence of established grassroots women’s organizations emanating from the different migrant communities in Denmark and stressed that NGOs that are rooted within different migrant communities can make a highly valuable contribution to the prevention and combating of all forms of violence against women.

The evaluation is based on a report drawn up by the Danish Government, a state dialogue with representatives of the Danish Government and a visit to Denmark from 1 to 5 May 2017, where the GREVIO delegation met with civil society and NGO´s including specialist support services as well as lawyers, health professionals, media and representatives from the national institute for human rights. In addition, the expert group visited a refugee reception facility in Sandholm.

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