Training Of Trainers in Human Rights Education with young people (TOTHRE) 2021
Since its introduction in 2002, TOTHRE has marked the way human rights education is understood and practiced across Europe – notably by the impact of participants and their organisations in mainstreaming HRE at national and local level.
The 2021 edition of the course builds on the experiences accumulated and on the outcomes of the 3rd Compass forum and the Conference on the implementation of the evaluation the Council of Europe Charter on EDC/HRE. It will particularly seek also to address current global threats and challenges to a culture of human rights, including the climate crisis and its consequences. Links will also be made with the World Programme on Human Rights Education, especially in view of its 4th phase, which will focus on youth.
Aims and objectives
The training course will support the implementation of the Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education through building the competences of trainers to develop and apply quality human rights education activities with young people at national/local levels and to advocate for the further mainstreaming of human rights education in youth policy and youth work.
- 1. To enable participants to work with the EDC/HRE Charter in their organisational and institutional contexts
- 2. To strengthen participants’ understanding of the key concepts of human rights education with young people;
- 3. To strengthen essential competences for trainers working with human rights education in non-formal learning settings based on using and adapting Compass;
- 4. To analyse current developments and trends in human rights education in order to mainstream it in youth policy and youth work;
- 5. To contribute to the development of networks of trainers on human rights education with young people;
- 6. To enable participants and their organisations to further develop and implement human rights education activities with young people;
- 7. To enable participants to address current global threats and challenges to a culture of human rights through human rights education.