Compass for formal and non-formal education: training course in Ukraine

23 July 2024 Lviv, Ukraine

Youth workers, teachers, and educators from all regions of Ukraine are participating in a national training course on human rights education from 21 to 25 July 2024 in Lviv, the European Youth Capital of 2025. This Compass national training course is organised by the Centre for Educational...

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Human rights education to counter discrimination and antigypsyism

21-24 June 2024 Tirana, Albania

From 21 to 24 June, a training course on human rights education with young Roma and non-Roma people, youth leaders and activists was organised in Tirana by Roma Veritas Albania in cooperation with the Council of Europe Youth Department within the Human Rights Education Youth Programme. This...

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Call for participants: Compass training course in Ukraine

21/06/2024 Lviv

Youth workers and teachers from all regions of Ukraine, who are interested in providing human rights education, developing civic competences and establishing cooperation between the formal and non-formal education sectors, are invited to participate in the training course which will take place on...

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LA PARTICIPATION COMPTE ! – Stage de formation en Andorre

28 mai 2024 Andorra

LA PARTICIPATION COMPTE ! – STAGE DE FORMATION EN ANDORRE Le sommet de Reykjavik des chefs d'État et de gouvernement des États membres du Conseil de l'Europe a souligné l'importance d'investir dans un avenir démocratique en soutenant la participation des jeunes à la vie démocratique et aux...

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DEADLINE to apply: 15 April 2024, 23:59 CET


22 March 2024

  The Human Rights Education Youth Programme plays a central role in the 2030 Strategy of the youth sector through its key features:. Provision of educational resources for human rights education for youth work and non-formal learning, notably through Compass and Compasito; Advocacy for the...

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