Centre of Expertise for Good Governance

The Centre of Expertise for Good Governance is the Council of Europe operational arm in the field of multi-level governance, supporting central, regional and local authorities to improve their institutions, regulations, capacity and action. The Centre is recognised for the quality and modernity of its programmes, which are effective and quality impact-oriented and draw on the very best of European experience in order to develop effective and democratic governance.

 Visit the Centre of Expertise for Good Governance webpage

Conference of INGOs

The Council of Europe’s work benefits extensively from contacts and co-operation with the dynamic elements of society, as represented by NGOs. One of the main challenges currently facing the Organisation is to strengthen NGOs and civil society and to develop participatory democracy on a pan-European basis.

 Visit the Conference of INGOs website

Assistance électorale et recensement

La Division de l’assistance électorale et du recensement (DGII) s’engage dans des activités à long terme d’assistance électorale afin de mener, en dehors des périodes électorales, les réformes de fond nécessaires tant au plan des législations électorales qu’au niveau du renforcement des capacités institutionnelles.

 Visitez le site web de l'assistance électorale et recensement

European Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG)

The European Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG) is the Council of Europe’s intergovernmental committee tasked with addressing issues of common concern in the field of democratic governance. It is a forum where senior officials meet to share information, views and good practice on issues concerning territorial reforms, citizens’ democratic participation in public life, the modernisation of public administration, the dialogue and relations between tiers of government, public finances and transfrontier cooperation.

 Visit the European Committee on Democracy and Governance website

ELoGE: European Label of Governance Excellence

The European Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG) is the Council of Europe’s intergovernmental committee tasked with addressing issues of common concern in the field of democratic governance. It is a forum where senior officials meet to share information, views and good practice on issues concerning territorial reforms, citizens’ democratic participation in public life, the modernisation of public administration, the dialogue and relations between tiers of government, public finances and transfrontier cooperation.

 Visit the European Label of Governance Excellence website

Forum mondial de la démocratie

Le Forum mondial de la Démocratie est une plateforme unique qui permet aux décideurs et aux militants de débattre de solutions aux défis qui se posent à nos démocraties. En identifiant et en analysant des initiatives et pratiques expérimentales, le Forum met en avant et encourage des innovations démocratiques provenant de la base et leur transfert à un niveau systémique afin de renforcer les fondations des sociétés démocratiques. Le Forum contribue ainsi à faire évoluer la démocratie vers des structures et des institutions plus participatives et inclusives.

 Visitez le site web du forum mondial de la démocratie