Back iPROCEEDS: ECTEG Live Data Forensics Training

Pristina, Kosovo* , 

The primary purpose of cybercrime investigations and proceedings is the preservation and production of admissible and reliable evidence that can be used in pre-trial and trial proceedings in criminal cases. Electronic evidence in cases of offences against and by means of information technology is usually difficult to collect and relatively volatile. Criminal justice authorities are expected to have up-to-date knowledge of the current issues and challenges related to investigation of cybercrime and use of electronic evidence in criminal proceedings.

In this context, the Cybercrime Programme Office of the Council of Europe, within the framework of the Joint Project of the European Union and the Council of Europe iPROCEEDS, is delivering the European Cybercrime Training and Education Group’s (ECTEG) Live Data Forensics Training, from 9 to 13 July 2018 at the Academy for Public Safety in Pristina.

The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to Live Data Forensics and the use of Live Data investigative techniques.

The course is an Intermediate level module and relates to Forensic Computing. It is a theoretical and practical course targeting cybercrime investigators, digital forensics specialists and first responders.

It covers the following subjects:

  • Creating and testing a live forensic toolkit
  • Performing computer forensic triage
  • Live Response in Windows, MacOS and Linux
  • Virtual infrastructure forensics
  • Acquisition of cloud- and remote storage
  • Acquisition and analysis of computer memory

The training is delivered to 12 participants from Kosovo* and Turkey.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.

T-CY Secretariat 

Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary

Programme Manager

Programme Assistant

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