Dialogue for peacebuilding in action!
On July 2-9, 2024, the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg is hosting the Youth Peace Camp, a transformative event that brings together 80 young participants from regions deeply affected by conflicts, including Cyprus (Greek speaking Cypriots and Turkish speaking Cypriots), Bosnia and...
Call for consultant(s) - feasibility study about a Recommendation on peace education in non-formal learning and youth work
The Youth Department of the Council of Europe is now looking for consultant(s) (individuals or consortia) to carry out a feasibility study about a Recommendation on peace education in non-formal learning and youth work. The study should address the following questions by priority: Why would such...
Deadline for applying: 24 July 2024
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: 8TH Arab-European Youth Forum - Youth and Intercultural Dialogue in times of Artificial Intelligence
On the occasion of the World Refugee Day, the Youth Department of the Council of Europe is hosting the seminar Supporting confidence at 18 at the European Youth Centre Budapest. The seminar focuses on the struggles of young refugees, including unaccompanied minors, in exercising their most basic...
A seminar on sharing practices of projects and initiatives in support of Young Refugees and Migrants in transition to adulthood
Youth Peace Camp 2023
The Youth Peace Camp is taking place from 4 to 11 July 2023 and intends to support young people and youth organisations active in conflict transformation and peacebuilding by sharing educational resources, capacity-building networking possibilities to enhance young people’s role in peace and...
TURNING 18 - Launching of guide to help young migrants and refugees in transition to adulthood
This Council of Europe practical guide aimed at helping young migrants and refugees in their transition to adulthood was launched today in Strasbourg with the support of the Icelandic Presidency and the participation of Iceland’s Minister of Education and Children, Ásmundur Einar Daðason. ...
Renewing Peace Education in intercultural youth activities
This consultative meeting brought together 35 experts in peace education, peacebuilding and conflict transformation to review and renew key contents and approaches to peace education in the intercultural youth activities of the Council of Europe, be them organised at the European Youth Centres...
The Democracy Agenda is the Peace Agenda
To learning conclusion arrived participants of the Youth Peace Camp Conference held in Strasbourg from 27 June to 1 July 2022. The conference brought together 33 young peacebuilders from conflict affected territories to add a dimension of peacebuilding and conflict transformation to the Youth...
Local Youth Peace Camp in Azerbaijan
The Local Youth Peace Camp 2021 was held from 30 October to 3 November in Baku. The aim of the project was to raise awareness of young people from conflict-affected regions of Azerbaijan on the field of peacebuilding, to explore peace-related concepts as well as to increase the participation of...
Deadline for applications: Monday, 21 June 2021, 23:59 CET
LAST CALL: YOUTH PEACE WEEK 2021, apply now!
The Youth Peace Week aims to empower young people and youth organisations from conflict affected regions by equipping them with competences and educational resources to enhance young people’s role and action for peace-building and conflict transformation. The Peace week will held from 30 June to...
Youth Peace Week online
The 2020 edition of the Youth Peace Camp has been postponed to 2021 due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 disease. However, as an alternative, the Council of Europe decided to offer an online Youth Peace Week, a learning opportunity to bring together applicants and former participants of the Youth...
Consultative Meeting - Supporting Young Refugees in Transition to Adulthood through Youth Work and Youth Policy
Online meeting 16-17 June 2020, 9:30 – 13:00 Purpose of the meeting The Youth Department organises this consultative meeting to identify, prioritise and further organise the ways to support the implementation of the measures proposed by the Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)4 through youth policy and...
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: Youth Peace Week 2020 - Online activity
The Youth Peace Camp is a project initiated by the Council of Europe in 2003, to bring together young people from conflict regions and to support them in initiating dialogue and cooperation. The 2020 edition of the camp has been postponed to 2021 due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 disease. As...
Deadline for applications: 3 April 2020, 1 p.m. CET (midday)
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: Youth Peace Camp 2020
The Youth Peace Camp engages young people and youth organisations from conflict affected regions in dialogue and conflict transformation activities based on human rights education and intercultural learning during and after the camp. Objectives The main objectives (personal, organisational and...
Report and presentations of the European reflection and discussion workshop available online! Youth work, volunteer work, sports activities are among the best answers to support young refugees ad migrants – newcomers in the city – to develop and expand their social networks. Social networks are...
Taking young refugees and asylum seekers seriously Knowledge, policies and youth work practices
European reflection and discussion workshop The European reflection and discussion workshop is organised as a follow up to the project Youth.Together, implemented by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe with financial support of the Flemish Department of Foreign Affairs. Youth.Together...