Training courses
YOUTH.TOGETHER Long-term training course (2018-2019)
The centre-piece of YOUTH.TOGETHER is a long-term training course (LTTC) for youth workers, young refugees and social workers/educators active in reception and hosting centres for minors, or other social and educational facilities for, or involving, young refugees, especially those in transition to adulthood.
The first phase of the course was held at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg from 24 November to 2 December 2018, with 35 participants who worked and learned together for over one year.
The project was made possible through a voluntary contribution of Flanders and is part of the Action Plan on Protecting Refugee and Migrant Children. It was developed and implemented with the cooperation and support of a variety of partners (the UNHCR, Voices of Young Refugees in Europe, The Young Republic, the European Youth Forum and Becoming part of Europe) concerned by the objectives of the course.
In addition to supporting the Action Plan on protecting refugee and migrant children, the project also promotes the implementation of the Committee of Ministers Recommendations to member states on Young People’s Access to Rights [CM Rec(2016)7] and on Youth Work [CM Rec(2017)4].