Compass, the manual for human rights education with young people
COMPASS provides youth leaders, teachers, and facilitators of human rights education activities, whether professionals or volunteers, with concrete ideas and practical activities to engage, involve and motivate young people in living, learning and acting for human rights. It promotes a comprehensive perspective on human rights education and sees young people as actors for a culture of universal human rights.
Compasito, Manual on human rights education for children
Compasito is a starting point for educators, teachers and trainers who are ready to deal with human rights education with children of 7-13 years. The book familiarises the reader with the key concepts of human rights and children's rights and provides substantial theoretical background to 13 key human rights issues, such as democracy, citizenship, gender equality, environment, media, poverty, and violence.
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Training Kit (T-Kit) 11 Mosaic - The training kit for Euro-Mediterranean youth work
The T-kits are thematic publications written by experienced youth trainers. They are easy-to-use handbooks for use in training and study sessions
Bookmarks, a manual for combating hate speech through human rights education, was specifically created to support the No Hate Speech Movement. The manual presents activities designed for young people aged 13 to 18, but which are adaptable to other age groups.
Education Pack "All Different - All Equal" - Resources and activities for education and action with young people against racism and discrimination - 4th edition "Silver"
This manual was originally produced in 1995 for the European youth campaign against racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and intolerance. It has been updated and extended to reflect the kaleidoscope of racial discrimination in Europe today and the mutations of racist discourses and ideologies. It contains basic information and hands-on non-formal education methodologies for supporting young people in learning about and addressing prejudice and its impact on people and societies.
T-kit 4 Intercultural learning
This T-Kit was developed for the context of youth work and non-formal education with young people, both of which support the personal development, social integration and active citizenship of young people. Educators and youth workers have an important role in addressing intercultural learning in their work with young people. They can stimulate young people’s learning in their daily lives, so that they can question and extend their perception, develop competences to interact positively with people from different cultural backgrounds and embrace the values of diversity, equality and dignity. In today’s Europe, these values and skills are fundamental for young people and for society as a whole in order to continue building peace and mutual understanding.
Policy documents
Resolution CM/Res(2020)2 on the Council of Europe youth sector strategy 2030 adopted by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers on 22 January 2020
Euro-Arab Cooperation Position Paper defined by the Joint Council on Youth in 2014
Study: Change starts from the neighbourhood - A study on Results of Ten Years of Euro-Arab Youth Cooperation 2008-2018
After more than 10 years of cooperation, the League of Arab States and the Council of Europe decided to carry out a study in order to map the results and impact, and remaining gaps of the cooperation activities. The study provides an overview of the main results and outcomes of key activities Euro-Arab youth cooperation as part of the work of the Council of Europe and the League of Arab States in the field of youth. It gathers key messages, issues and opportunities which have guided the Euro-Arab youth cooperation, looking more specifically at the Euro-Arab youth fora and highlighting outcomes and good practices which resulted from them.
Training Reports
Report of the training "Learning Together Online: Human Rights Education and Youth Participation for Euro-Arab Dialogue" (Online, 2 November - 15 December 2020)
Report of the Euro-Arab Training Course on Youth Participation and Gender Equality (Qatar, 17-20 November 2018)
Report of the Euro-Arab Training of Trainers for Democratic Youth Participation (Tunisia, December 2012)
Report of the Euro-Arab Long Term Training Course for Co-operation Youth Project through Non-formal Learning (France, December 2010 – Dubai, December 2011)
Policy documents
Resolution CM/Res(2020)2 on the Council of Europe youth sector strategy 2030 adopted by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers on 22 January 2020
Euro-Arab Cooperation Position Paper defined by the Joint Council on Youth in 2014
Study: Change starts from the neighbourhood - A study on Results of Ten Years of Euro-Arab Youth Cooperation 2008-2018
After more than 10 years of cooperation, the League of Arab States and the Council of Europe decided to carry out a study in order to map the results and impact, and remaining gaps of the cooperation activities. The study provides an overview of the main results and outcomes of key activities Euro-Arab youth cooperation as part of the work of the Council of Europe and the League of Arab States in the field of youth. It gathers key messages, issues and opportunities which have guided the Euro-Arab youth cooperation, looking more specifically at the Euro-Arab youth fora and highlighting outcomes and good practices which resulted from them.
Training Reports
Report of the training "Learning Together Online: Human Rights Education and Youth Participation for Euro-Arab Dialogue" (Online, 2 November - 15 December 2020)
Report of the Euro-Arab Training Course on Youth Participation and Gender Equality (Qatar, 17-20 November 2018)
Report of the Euro-Arab Training of Trainers for Democratic Youth Participation (Tunisia, December 2012)
Report of the Euro-Arab Long Term Training Course for Co-operation Youth Project through Non-formal Learning (France, December 2010 – Dubai, December 2011)
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