Council of Europe calls for strengthening international cooperation against migrant smuggling

Council of Europe 10 September 2024 Strasbourg

The 2nd International Conference on Migrant Smuggling, organised by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, has called on its 46 member states to explore all pathways to strengthen international cooperation. In her opening speech, Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić...

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SRSG presents 2nd interim report on implementation of the Action Plan for protecting vulnerable persons in migration and asylum context

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 19 June 2024 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe continues to support its member states in protecting and upholding the human rights of persons in vulnerable situations in the context of migration and asylum by drawing on its specific standards and expertise, in close coordination with the other international organisations...

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World Refugee Day: Upholding refugee rights shows shared values and humanity

Secretary General 20 June 2024 Strasbourg

Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić has marked World Refugee Day by paying tribute to the support given by Council of Europe member states to millions of refugees. “Our continued commitment to upholding the rights of refugees is a testament to our shared values. Over the last decade, Europe...

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Network of Focal Points on Migration examines challenges to implementing EU Pact on Migration and Asylum in compliance with Council of Europe standards

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 14 June 2024 Strasbourg

On 13 and 14 June, the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees (SRSG), David Best, chaired the 9th meeting of the Network of Focal Points on Migration (NFPM), which brought together participants from member state ministries dealing with migration to discuss...

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SRSG on Migration and Refugees carried-out fact-finding mission to Finland

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 23 May 2024 Strasbourg

The Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees (SRSG), David Best, carried out a fact-finding mission to Finland from 21 to 23 May. The visit included meetings with the relevant state authorities, Finland’s Non-Discrimination Ombudsman, and representatives of...

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Council of Europe, UNHCR and national stakeholders work hand in hand to protect rights of unaccompanied refugee children in Bulgaria

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 23 April 2024 Sofia

A round table on the protection of unaccompanied and separated asylum-seeking and refugee children, organised by UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency, and the Council of Europe’s Special Representative on Migration and Refugees (SRSG), has demonstrated a determination to work hand in hand...

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Launch of the Council of Europe package of measures in response to the refugee influx in Armenia

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 11 April 2024 Yerevan

The Council of Europe has launched a comprehensive response package to the refugee influx in Armenia of € 2.8 million. As part of the package, the Council of Europe has launched four new initiatives and incorporated additional components into two ongoing projects. “The response package aims at...

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Secretary General appoints David Best as Special Representative on Migration and Refugees

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 1 February 2024 Strasbourg

Today, Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić announced the appointment of Swiss diplomat David Best as her Special Representative on Migration and Refugees. The Council of Europe provides a close dialogue and support to its member states in responding to these challenges on the basis of the...

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Special Representative publishes report on fact-finding mission to Bulgaria

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 31 January 2024 Strasbourg

On 30 January, the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees (SRSG), Leyla Kayacik, presented to the Committee of Ministers a report of her fact-finding mission to Bulgaria, which took place from 11 to 14 September 2023. In the report, the SRSG examines the human...

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EUAA/FRA delegation visits the Council of Europe

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 22-24 January 2024 Strasbourg

A delegation from the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA), including a representative from the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), paid a study visit to the Council of Europe. The Secretary-General's Special Representative on Migration and Refugees (SRSG), Leyla Kayacik, welcomed the...

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Protecting children at Europe’s borders – new guidance for border officials and other authorities

Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees 18 December 2023 Strasbourg

A new joint publication from the Council of Europe and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) outlines the relevant human rights standards at Europe’s borders that apply to children. The note on ‘Children in migration: Fundamental rights at European borders’ summarises the main...

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SRSG addresses Global Refugee Forum in Geneva

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 15 December 2023 Geneva

The Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees (SRSG), Leyla Kayacik, represented the Council of Europe at the Global Refugee Forum (GRF), which took place from 13 to 15 December in Geneva In her speech, she highlighted Council of Europe´s work focusing on the...

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Navigating Challenges and Building Solidarity: Highlights from the 8th Network of Focal Points on Migration Meeting

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 1 December 2023 Strasbourg

On 30 November and 1 December 2023, the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees (SRSG), Leyla Kayacik, chaired the 8th meeting of the Network of Focal Points on Migration (NFPM), which brought together participants from ministries dealing with migration issues...

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EPAS Diversity Conference: “the inclusion of child migrants and refugees in and through sport is an investment with great returns”

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 29 November 2023 Liechtenstein

For the first time, Liechtenstein hosted the Council of Europe’s Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) biennial Diversity Conference “Inclusion of Child Migrants and Refugees in and through Sport” under the framework of its Presidency of the Committee of Ministers. One of the presidency...

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Three events held as follow up to SRSG report of fact-finding mission to Romania

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 24 November 2023 Bucharest

From 22 to 24 November, three separate events were organised in Bucharest as follow ups to the report of the fact-finding mission to Romania, carried out by the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees (SRSG), Leyla Kayacik. Further strengthening the protection of...

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Psychological support to refugees: Council of Europe strengthening professional capacities in Romania

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 23 & 24 November 2023 Bucharest

The Council of Europe organised a training on Psychological Support to Refugees: Strengthening Professional Capacities in Bucharest, Romania. The training, on 23 and 24 November, is organised by the Directorate of Political Affairs and External Relations of the Council of Europe, in close...

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CoE/UNHCR round table: Strengthening the protection of children and victims of gender-based violence, in the context of refugee flows in Romania

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 23 November 2023 Bucharest

Further strengthening the protection of refugees, in particular women and children in a vulnerable situation, was the main focus of a round table discussion on “Strengthening the protection of children and victims of gender-based violence, in the context of refugee flows in Romania”, co-organised...

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SRSG at CoE/UNHCR roundtable in Ankara; meets Turkish officials

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 3 & 4 November 2023 Ankara

The Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees (SRSG), Leyla Kayacık, has taken part in the opening of a roundtable meeting on the “Protection of Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Migrants under the European Convention on Human Rights” in Ankara. The roundtable, on 3...

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Council of Europe to prepare package of measures in response to refugee influx in Armenia following Special Representative on Migration and Refugees’ visit

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 30 October 2023 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe is preparing a comprehensive response package to the refugee influx in Armenia following a visit by the Special Representative on Migration and Refugees (SRSG) Leyla Kayacik from 11 to 13 October 2023. This package aims to provide support to Armenia in addressing the issues...

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SRSG on Migration and Refugees publishes report on fact-finding mission to Hungary

Special Representative on Migration and Refugees 27 September 2023 Strasbourg

In a report published on 27 September, the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees (SRSG), Leyla Kayacik, highlighted the significant efforts made by the Hungarian authorities at both the national and local levels, in co-ordination with NGOs and volunteers, to...

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