Back ROMACTED tackles cross-cutting issues during the pandemic in Kosovo*

ROMACTED tackles cross-cutting issues during the pandemic in Kosovo*

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, ROMACTED has remained active in its partner municipalities in Kosovo following the first interventions from March 2020 onwards. Assisting communities with food and hygiene items was still challenging during confinement in April and May. The priority of the programme was therefore to approach the most vulnerable community members, namely single mothers, individuals with limited mobility, and vulnerable families with a high number of children.
The mapping of vulnerable families and provision of support by other organisations (national and international) continued during the course of April and May. In line with this, synergies were developed with Roma Versitas Kosovo in order to amplify the efforts to provide assistance in two partner municipalities, namely Ferizaj/Urosevac and Obiliq/Obilic.
As an important cross-cutting issue during the pandemic, women’s needs were taken into consideration. As a result, 35 single mothers were assisted in Mitrovica/South Mitrovica with food and hygiene essentials. The issue of limited medical supplies was also taken into account at this time and, as a pilot action, eight families with chronic illnesses were subsequently provided with the necessary medicines in Fushe Kosove/Kosovo Polje.
In summary, from March to May, 251 families comprising around 1255 individuals were provided with food and hygiene packages. Furthermore, 2300 masks and 2300 pairs of gloves were distributed within the community.
Thanks to the support provided by a plethora of actors at local and central level, as well as national and international organisations, Roma communities were able to get through the pandemic and confinement measures.
ROMACTED will continue to observe the situation in its partner municipalities and build partnerships in order to extend its support to the Roma communities.

Read also: COVID-19: ROMACTED assists the most vulnerable in the community.


* All references to Kosovo*, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text, shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

KOSOVO* 2 June 2020
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Fifty practitioners to enhance skills in provision of occupational therapy

Following the adoption of the Guidelines for Occupational Therapy (OT), as well as the Training of Trainers (ToT) on OT that took place in January 2024, three 2-day cascade training sessions were organised in the course of February and March 2024.  Fifty professionals, mainly from the Prison Health Department, along with representatives from the Correctional Services, Institute for Forensic Psychiatry, and the Special Institute for Persons with Mental and Physical Disabilities, were trained on this important form of therapy.

To complement the theoretical aspects and provide the trainees with practical knowledge, some of the sessions were conducted in the Dubrava Prison, in a section which houses prisoners with both mental and somatic problems. This on-site training allowed the participants to observe and understand the application of OT principles in a real-life setting, thus enhancing their learning experience by connecting theory and practice.

These cascade training sessions allowed the participants to further improve their skills in applying the OT Guidelines and tools in prisons and other closed institutions, a concept which was thus far not utilised in a structured manner. Furthermore, training healthcare and correctional professionals together helps them further strengthen the inter-institutional cooperation in the treatment and rehabilitation of some of the most vulnerable members of the society.

Each of these sessions were facilitated by two trainers who had participated in the ToT in January and were supervised and mentored by a Council of Europe consultant who has been involved in the process since the very beginning, thus further strengthening institutional capacity to provide training.

The activity was conducted under the auspices of the Council of Europe project “Improvement of the treatment of persons deprived of liberty”.



*All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions, or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United National Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

Istog/ Istok 26 March 2024
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