Funded by the Voluntary Contribution (VC) 
24 months (1 January 2022 – 31 December 2023)

Partners  and beneficiarie(s):   Constitutional Court


Main objectives 

1. Further advancing quality and implementation of legislation and advancing mechanisms for effective implementation of the Constitutional Court’s decisions

2. Continuous increase of the quality of the CC’s decisions, consistency of its case-law and further strengthening of the legal unit with specific attention to professional legal research and strengthening the newly established Jurisconsult position

3. Further development of Case Management System and data and knowledge management tools and methodologies 


Expected outputs and results    


Outcome 1.1: Reinforced skills and knowledge of the judges and staff of the Constitutional Court in relation to ECtHR standards 

Output 1.1.1: Judges and legal advisors of the Constitutional Court are trained on the ECtHR standards and legal reasoning 

Output 1.1.2: Relevant resource materials and publications related to human rights standards are available for the judges and staff of the Constitutional Court

Output 1.1.3: The improvement of the Constitutional Court’s case-management system is supported

Outcome 1.2: Increased effect of the Constitutional Court’s judgments on the domestic legal order and enhanced regional exchanges
Output 1.2.1: Regular exchanges and judicial dialogue between the Constitutional Court and the ordinary courts towards coherent application of the ECHR are established

Output 1.2.2: Public outreach/Communication strategy is revised and duly implemented together with the Constitutional Court’s press-service

Output 1.2.3: Exchanges among Constitutional Courts in the South-East Europe region are established

Output 1.2.4: Assessment and methodology on better execution of the judgements of the Constitutional Court is provided

Outcome 2.1: Strengthened capacities of legal professionals to better claim rights and freedoms before the Constitutional Court

Output 2.1.1: Lawyers are trained on admissibility criteria for the constitutional complaint and other human rights issues

Planned activities    


  • Output 1.1.1: Judges and legal advisors of the Constitutional Court are trained on the ECtHR standards and legal reasoning Development of a training module for the judges and staff of the Constitutional Court on legal reasoning and ECtHR standards Placements to the Constitutional Court by Council of Europe consultants as mentoring assignments for legal advisors Training sessions for judges and legal advisors of the Constitutional Court on the ECtHR standards and legal reasoning Placement at the ECtHR or Council of Europe member states’ Constitutional Courts Study visit to Council of Europe and ECtHR 

  • Output 1.1.2: Relevant resource materials and publications related to human rights standards are available for the judges and staff of the Constitutional Court Development of relevant resource materials and publications related to human rights standards

  • Output 1.1.3: The improvement of the Constitutional Court’s case-management system is supported Improvement of the Case Management System of relevant resource materials/e-learning/relevant software 

  • Output 1.2.1: Regular exchanges and judicial dialogue between the Constitutional Court and the ordinary courts towards coherent application of the ECHR are established Round table meetings between the Constitutional Court and the ordinary courts towards coherent application of the ECHR Development of relevant resource materials and publications related to human rights standards Development of relevant resource materials/e learning/relevant software

  • Output 1.2.2: Public outreach/Communication strategy is revised and duly implemented together with the Constitutional Court’s press-service Revising and implementation of the Public outreach/Communication strategy

  • Output 1.2.3: Exchanges among Constitutional Courts in the South-East Europe region are established Exchanges among Constitutional Courts of South-eastern Europe - Conference Study Visit to the Constitutional Court of the Council of Europe Member State

  • Output 1.2.4: Assessment and methodology on better execution of the judgements of the Constitutional Court is provided Needs assessment for establishment of mechanism for execution of judgements Methodology/roadmap for execution of judgments 

  • Output 2.1.1: Lawyers are trained on admissibility criteria for the constitutional complaint and other human rights issues Development of a training course on admissibility criteria for the constitutional complaint and other human rights issues Training of Trainers of Bar Association Training of lawyers on Admissibility to the Constitutional Court


Note:  This project is being implemented by the Council of Europe and co-funded by Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Norway, and the Council of Europe.