Enhancement of the freedom of expression and information and freedom of the press in Southeast Europe
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and Kosovo.[1]
Funded by
Implemented by
Council of Europe
Duration of the project
18 months (2 September 2013 - 28 February 2015.)
The general objective of the project is to amend the legislative and institutional framework which guarantees freedom of expression, enhance the quality of journalism and establish pluralistic means of media reporting in Southeast Europe, in accordance with the standards of the Council of Europe.
The specific objectives of the project are: 1) harmonizing laws, regulations and practice with standards of the Council of Europe in the field of freedom of expression in Southeast Europe; 2) strengthening the independency and efficiency of the bodies responsible for the regulation of digital broadcasting and enabling public broadcasting services to better perform their role; 3) development of a professional approach, responsibility and respect of ethical principles by the press.
Through regional activities, the objective of the project is also to answer mutual problems and challenges that countries in the region are facing, and to enable exchange of experiences, cooperation and networking in areas such as thematic trainings for journalists, self-regulation and legal framework in the area of broadcasting, media transparency and ownership of the media.
All activities will be implemented in accordance with the agreement and in cooperation with relevant public bodies, media workers and local non-governmental organizations.
Focus groups
Decision-makers, public officials, civil society, representatives of public broadcasting services, representatives of regulatory and self-regulatory bodies, journalists.
Overall beneficiaries
Media workers and citizens
Expected results
Legislative framework for media built in accordance with European standards.
Realized trainings in connection to the standards of the Council of Europe which refer to freedom of expression, ethical regulations and access to information of public interest for:
- those employed in the media,
- judges and lawyers dealing with media law,
- public officials,
- representatives of regulation bodies.
Enhanced self-regulatory mechanism for monitoring the media sector.
Founded non-formal network of journalists and enhanced regional dialog.
Main activities
Law expertizes experts meetings, workshops, thematic trainings, seminars, round tables and regional conferences
[1] All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nation's Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.