Back North-South Centre launches new activities to reinforce the promotion and impact of Global Education

North-South Centre launches new activities to reinforce the promotion and impact of Global Education

In line with the iLegend project - Intercultural Learning Exchange through Global Education, Networking and Dialogue - the Joint Programme signed between the European Commission and the Council of Europe to include Global Development Education in formal education in the Balkans, Baltic, South East Europe and Mediterranean and Visegrad regions, the North-South C-entre of the Council of Europe has initiated the revision of the Global Education Guidelines, its reference pedagogical tool used in its capacity-building scheme for formal and non-formal educators.


The revision of the Global Education Guidelines  will update the pedagogical elements in order to strengthen intercultural understanding and practice, conflict prevention and democratic culture, and introduce methodological approaches to support global education measurement and monitoring. The media literacy section of the Global Education Guidelines will be improved in coordination with the newly constituted Media Literacy Task Force on Global Development Education.


The drafting team of the revision of the Global Education Guidelines is constituted by Alicia Cabezudo, peace and human rights educator, member of the first drafting team of the Global Education Guidelines, Federica Cicala, trainer of the North-South Centre Global Education &Youth residential trainings, among others, and Luisa Black expert on Council of Europe framework of Competences for Democratic Culture.


The team met on the 27 of November to define the timeline, the overall methodology, the drafting phases and the  structure and lay-out of the new version of the Global Education Guidelines.


The meetings of the drafting team of Global Education Guidelines and the Media Literacy Task Force took place before the annual meeting of the Global Education Week network held on the 28 to 29 November. This enabled both teams to meet with the members of the network and assess their pedagogical support and communication needs.


The purpose of the Global Education Week network annual meeting was to provide a space for the network national coordinators to share practices, networking and advocacy strategies for increasing and improving Global Education through and beyond the Global Education Week.

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The North-South Centre is an Enlarged Partial Agreement of the Council of Europe that serves as an important instrument of its external dimension, transmitting its values, standards, and tools beyond the European continent through political dialogue, networking, and the implementation of co-operation projects, notably among young people. It brings together several countries from Europe, Middle East and Africa to exchange ideas and act on shared concerns.

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