The Municipality of Forlì in ancient times was an important crossroads of Etruscan, Celtic and from Umbria cultures. Settled by Romans, today is a significant size local community in the territory of Romagna. One of the priority objectives of this administration is improving mutual understanding of citizens, starting from those from other territories or other countries, in order to convey identity, traditions, characters, customs, history and common rules characterizing the local reality.

Population diversity

Resident population in Municipality of Forlì updated at 1.01.2012 is 118.882 people, 14.257 of which have foreign origin (12,00%). Inhabitant citizens number: male population is 57.328 individuals, female one 61.554; n. 7.088 foreign male citizens, n.7.169 foreign female citizens.

Prevalent nationalities are ten: Rumanian (2868), Albanian (2007), Chinese (1675), Moroccan (1507), Ukrainian (694), Burkinabè (643), Tunisian (591), Polish (536), Macedonian (490), Algerian (314). In 2011 new citizenship were n.74 (n.73 in 2012).

Foreign minors in Municipality of Forlì schools in the scholar year 2010-1011:
1) 5.230 registered to primary school, of which 727 foreign students (equal to 13,9 %);
2) 2.951 registered to junior high school, of which 460 foreign students (equal to 15,6%);
3) 776 registered to senior high school, of which 125 foreign students (equal to 16,1%).

Intercultural Cities Index



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