Back BELINGA Georges

Co-founder of Koop SF 34, the subsaharian incubator - Bilbao, Spain

Georges Belinga is international business graduate and master in new media. Having lived in England, France, Germany and Spain has a passion on european relations and migration. Georges is above all a social entrepreneur who provides counseling to members of his organization.

Projects involve:

Sildofaÿa: Its a artist incubator. Sildofaÿa is a specific  artist incubator within the general incubator. Sildofaÿa seek artist from diverse origins  who can  work together towards a professionalization on the music industry.

Africanized commerce: Is an initiative that try to create commercial relations between Spainish companies  and different african countries.  The objective is to develop a better understanding and better trade relations, pushed by african immigrants and spanish people.

Mercado de especias: Is a food market lead by woman. This food market presents dishes from all around the globe. Is a project aim to empower immigrant woman who are less visible in the society.

Koop SF 34: Is subsaharan social business incubator open to everybody. A talent incubator.  Its aim is to give response to the enormous problem of unemployment among sub saharans, creating a space where simple ideas can grow with the entrepreneurs passion. Koop Sf 34 goal is to raise awareness on the need off positive discrimination policies  for migrants focusing on employment.



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