Back Sherbrooke – Continuous efforts to improve migrant reception and integration

An Intercultural Relations and Diversity Committee (IRDC) for a more welcoming and inclusive intercultural city:

In 2015, the City Council set up an Intercultural Relations and Diversity Committee (IRDC), a body that advises the municipal council in relation to the immigrant reception and integration policy and the focal points of the associated action plan, with the aim of making Sherbrooke a more welcoming and more inclusive intercultural city. It is chaired by a municipal elected representative (municipal councillor) and its members are citizens from all sections of the community.

The Immigrant Reception and Integration Dashboard, a system that monitors the way in which immigrants are received and integrated:

In 2019, Sherbrooke City Council decided to develop an Immigrant Reception and Integration Dashboard [French only]. This tool can be used to take a snapshot of the reception and integration situation at precise and specific times, and it will give Sherbrooke City Council and community, institutional, public-sector and private-sector players a means of monitoring and developing reception and integration in the city of Sherbrooke.

The Sherbrooke Immigrant Welcome Guide:

Stemming from the 2018-2019 immigration action plan of the Sports, Culture and Community Life Department, this guide is an information resource for the immigrant population, an empowerment tool for newcomers and an important source of information for organisations in Sherbrooke.

It lists resources that enable newly-arrived people to integrate into their new environment quickly.

as from 2015
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