Back First trimester of 2022 : ICC National networks release their progress reports

First trimester of 2022 : ICC National networks release their progress reports

The first 2022 quarterly progress reports of the ICC national networks in Italy (Città del Dialogo), Portugal (RPCI), and Ukraine (ICC-UA) are now available. They present the progress achieved by the national networks during the first three months of 2022.

For the RPCI, the most significant achievement is the membership of two new cities: Vila Verde and Vila Nova de Famalicão, both located in the northern region of Portugal. In Italy, communication efforts were particularly intense, visible for instance through the social media campaign - “Parolario Interculturale” (Intercultural Glossary). During the first two months of 2022, ICC-UA Network members continued to work closely together and focused primarily on scaling up the implementation of anti-rumours strategies in their communities and regions. We hope that they will be able to resume their work soon, once the brutal aggression by Russia in Ukraine will have come to an end.

 To read the reports:

8 april 2022
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