Gerhard Ermischer, Current President of the Conference of INGOs
The Conference of INGOs brings together all the NGOs that enjoy participatory status at the Council of Europe. This voice of Civil Society in the CoE, represents a wide variety of organizations in many sectors, active in many countries and is committed to the agenda of the CoE: democracy, human rights and rule of law.
Traditionally the Conference focuses on (gender) equality and non-discrimination, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly. We keep in close contact and in dialogue with civil society in neighbouring areas of Europe.
Recently, the erosion of the space for civil society organisations and the breakdown of participative society have become matters of deep concern.
In the past year the Conference has undergone a substantial reform process, resulting in more focus on the needs of our INGOs and on the agenda of the other bodies of the CoE.
We invite you to come in contact with us, learn more about the Council of Europe and the Conference of INGOs and also about how you can contribute to our mission.

Geneviève LALOY
Comenius Association

Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP)
The Conference of INGOs marks the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty with Youth Voices
Conference of INGOs holds its Autumn General Assembly (14-16 October): highlights
Join the Round Table "By Youth For Youth" on the Conference of INGOs’ Youth Strategy!
President of the Conference of INGOs holds annual exchange of views with the Committee of Ministers
- Opening Speech by Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference of INGOs - High-Level Conference on the Social Charter of the Council of Europe, Vilnius, 4 July 2024
- Address by Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference of INGOs at annual exchange of views with the Committee of Ministers, Strasbourg, 1 July 2024
- Speech of Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference of INGOs - CDDH Conference on the Protection and Promotion of Civil Society Space in Europe, Helsinki, 25 June 2024
- End of 2021-2024 mandate activity report at the General Assembly of the Conference of INGOs, Strasbourg, 8 April 2024
- Statement by Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference INGOs - 133rd ministerial session, Strasbourg, 17 May 2024
- Statement by Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference of INGOs - Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe, Reykjavik 16-17 May 2023
- Opening speech of Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference of INGOs - webinar on Advancing the implementation of socio-economic rights by making better use of the monitoring procedures of the European Social Charter (14 June 2022) - (organised by the Conference of INGOs' “Action for Social Rights” Committee, in partnership with the Department of Social Rights of the Council of Europe)
- Speech of Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference of INGOs - 132nd Session of the Committee of Ministers (20 May 2022)
- Statement by Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference of INGOs - Launch of the Campaign “Democracy Here – Democracy Now” - Reaching out to young people (21 March 2022)
- Statement by Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference of INGOs - Committee of Minister’s Working Group on the Social Charta (18 March 2022)
- Speech of Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference of INGOs
Annual exchange of views with the Committee of Ministers (9 February 2022) - Speech of Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference of INGOs
131st Session of the Committee of Ministers (21 May 2021) - Address by Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference of INGOs
GR-DEM (June 2021) - Address by Gerhard Ermischer, President of the Conference of INGOs
11th Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention (26-27 May 2021)
Past Presidents

January 2015 - May 2021

Jean-Marie HEYDT
January 2009 – January 2015
Speeches 2014
- Strasbourg, 13 November, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2014)05
Statement by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the 1211bis meeting of the Ministers' Deputies - Transfer of the Chairmanship and presentation of the priorities of the Belgian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers [fr only] - Turin, 17 October, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2014)04
Statement by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the high-level Conference on the European Social Charter [fr only] - Strasbourg, 10 June, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2014)03
Statement by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the Ministers' Deputies' thematic debate on the "role and functionning of NGOs in the Council of Europe" [fr only] - Vienna, 6 May, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2014)02
- Statement by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the Session of the Committee of Ministers [fr only]
- Strasbourg, 13 February, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2014)01
Statement by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt "Member of the Conference of INGOs denied entry into Ukraine"
Speeches 2013
- Moscow, 31 October, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2013)4
Speech by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the Round Table: "Developments in Legislation on Non-commercial Organisations: International Experience" - Moscow, 15 April 2013, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2013)2 [fr]
Speech by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the 10th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers of Culture "Governance of Culture – Promoting Access to Culture" - Ankara, 11 and 12 April2013, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2013)3 [fr]
Content of the speech by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the Symposium « Migration, Islam and multiculturality organised by Hacettepe University - Strasbourg, 24 January 2013, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2013)1 [fr]
Introductory words by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the meeting of the Conference of INGOs "The effect of the crisis on NGOs in member States; the closure of NGOs, through lack of subsidies, is a weakening of our democracies"
Speeches 2012
- Tirana, 8 and 9 November 2012, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2012)6
Speech by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the high-level Conference "Diversity in Europe : a Strength for the Future" and at the 1153rd meeting of the Ministers' Deputies on the occasion of the transfer of chairmanship between Albania and Andorra [fr] - Strasbourg, 17 October 2012, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2012)5
Speech by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the opening of the Conference "Building Europe through Human Rights: Acting together against extreme poverty" on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty [fr] - Istanbul, 12 October 2012, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2012)4
Speech by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the 2nd Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Social Cohesion "Building a secure future for all" [fr] - Strasbourg, 7 October 2012, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2012)7
Speech by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the Civil Society Debate on "Inclusive Democracy" organised in the framework of the World Forum for Democracy - Strasbourg, 21 June 2012, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2012)3
Speech by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the meeting of the Ministers' Deputies' Rapporteur Group on Democracy [fr] - Venice, 28 April 2012, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2012)2
Speech by the President of the Conference of INGOs, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the international Conference organised by Lions Club international in cooperation with ALDA [fr] - Brighton, 19-20 April 2012, CONF/PRES/SPEECH(2012)1
Speech by the President of the Conference of INGOs of the Council Europe, Jean-Marie Heydt, at the High-Level Conference on the Reform of the European Court of Human Rights