The Conference of INGOs has installed a programme of "Youth Delegates" since 2016 with the aim of strengthening youth participation in the Conference. The programme is open for all young members of the Conference of INGOs member organisations. In line with its “Roadmap for youth participation”, the Conference of INGOs invites 3 young persons, representing their member INGO, to take an active part, as a youth delegate, in its coming activities, working groups and statutory meetings. For each mandate there is a call for applications to the member organisations and their young members can apply with background information and a letter of motivation.  A member of the Standing Committee is assigned to co-operate with the Youth Delegates, who will develop their own programme, present results at the General Assemblies of the Conference and to this aim will also hold separate meetings. A small budget is set aside for this programme to cover costs for the Youth Delegates and allow for their activities. The contribution of the Youth Delegates is a valuable addition to the work of the Conference.

Being a youth delegate for a year is a unique opportunity to gain international experience, become a part of a diverse group of young activists, network and make an impact by stimulating the debates from a youth perspective thereby highlighting and strengthening the Conference of INGOs’ commitment to youth empowerment. It also allows young people to work in the context of the Conference closely with the Council of Europe and its various institutions and get an inside view of the workings of this international organisation.