INGO-Service was set up in1994 to receive voluntary financial contributions from the  INGOs - "The purpose of the association is to promote the functioning and the activities of the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe by collecting and making available the necessary means".


What is its purpose?

The purpose of INGO-Service is to provide financial means to the Conference of INGOs, in addition to the financial contribution of the Council of Europe, to carry out its activities and its missions, to enhance the work of all of the INGOs holding participatory status. By supporting INGO-Service, your INGO is showing solidarity with all the INGOs working together in Greater Europe.

The Statutes of INGO Service were adopted by the constituent General Assembly held in Strasbourg on 9 November 1994, and mostly recently amended by Extraordinary General Assembly on 5 October 2021 to take into account the changes brought about by the adoption of new Rules of Procedure of the Conference of INGOs.

The Internal rules of procedures of 27 January 2016, revised by the Ordinary General Assembly of 5 April 2022 and of 16 October 2024.


How can my INGO support INGO-Service?

All INGOs with participatory status can support INGO-Service by paying an annual subscription.  The basic subscription is 150€ but an INGO can show its support with a subscription of 200€ or more; the mininum subscription is 100€. If your INGO would like to contribute please complete the subscription form and return it to the Secretary of INGO-Service.


How are subscriptions spent?

Suscriptions go towards paying for the functioning of the Conference of INGOs whose expertise is regularly sought by the bodies of the Council of Europe (Committee of Ministers, Parliamentary Assembly, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Intergovernmental Committees ...)


A few examples

  • The organisation of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, 17 October: publication of the report;
  • Participation in the different intergovernmental committees of the Council of Europe;
  • Participation in the closing Conference of the Action Plan for People with Disabilities in Dublin


Reimbursement rules


The members of the Board

The members of the Board of INGO-Service were elected on 15 December 2021for a three-year term of office:

President:  Annelise OESCHGER; Vice-President: Marie-Claire GALIBERT; Treasurer:  Heleen JANSEN; Secretary: Joyce HERRENT.

Ex officio members: Gerhard ERMISCHER, Geneviève LALOY, Simon MATTHIJSSEN



President :  Annelise OESCHGER

Vice-President: Marie-Claire GALIBERT

Treasurer:  Heleen JANSEN

Secretary:  Joyce HERRENT