This web-page focus on intergovernmental work on the reform of the system of the European Convention on Human Rights since the Rome Ministerial Conference of 2000, which led to Protocol no. 14 and a series of non-binding instruments. This work cover notably the 2006 Report of the Group of Wise Persons and the successive High-level Conferences on the reform of the Court that took place between 2010 and 2015 at Interlaken, Izmir, Brighton, Oslo and Brussels and follow-up to these events, including the adoption and opening for signature in 2013 of Protocols No. 15 and 16.

At the head of the inter-governmental process is the Committee of Ministers, which gives terms of reference to the Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH) and the Committee of experts on the reform of the Court (DH-GDR), a specialist plenary body subordinate to the CDDH. In the past, other subordinate bodies of the CDDH were also involved in the reform process (such as work of DH-PR, CDDH-SC, DH-RE, DH-PS).

The work of the DH-GDR is prepared in smaller drafting groups (GT-GDR-A to G) that deal with specific issues.

In 2014-2015, the DH-GDR prepared :

  • a draft CDDH report containing opinions and possible proposals concerning the long-term future of the Convention system (GT-GDR-F);
  • a draft report containing conclusions and possible proposals for action concerning the procedure for the amendment of the Rules of Court and the possible ‘upgrading’ to the Convention of certain provisions of the Rules of Court (GT-GDR-G).

In 2012-2013, the DH-GDR worked on the following matters (relevant drafting group in brackets – for further details, see the drafting group’s page):

  • An analysis of Member States’ reports on measures taken to implement relevant parts of the Interlaken and Izmir Declarations (GT-GDR-A)
  • An evaluation of the effects of Protocol no. 14 and the implementation of the Interlaken and Izmir Declarations on the Court’s situation (GT-GDR-A)
  • Draft Protocol no. 15 to the Convention, amending various points concerning the Preamble, the admissibility criteria applicable to individual applications, the procedure for relinquishment of a case from a Chamber to the Grand Chamber of the Court, and the age-limit for judges (GT-GDR-B)
  • Draft Protocol no. 16 to the Convention, optionally introducing a procedure allowing certain domestic courts to seek advisory opinions from the Court (GT-GDR-B)
  • Interim measures under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court (GT-GDR-C)
  • A possible ‘representative application procedure’ before the Court (GT-GDR-C)
  • A Guide to Good Practice in respect of domestic remedies (GT-GDR-D)
  • A toolkit to inform public officials about the State’s Convention obligations (GT-GDR-D)
  • How to resolve applications arising from systemic issues (GT-GDR-D)
  • Whether to enable the appointment of additional judges to the Court (GT-GDR-E)
  • A review of the functioning of the Advisory Panel of Experts on Candidates for Election as Judge to the European Court of Human Rights (GT-GDR-E)
  • Whether more effective measures are needed in respect of States that fail to implement Court judgments in a timely manner (GT-GDR-E)