The Drafting Group A (GT-GDR-A) was tasked to prepare two draft reports. One report on the measures taken by member States to implement relevant parts of the Interlaken and Izmir Declarations, with recommendations for follow-up, the other report containing elements contributing to the evaluation of the effects of Protocol No. 14 and the implementation of the Interlaken and Izmir Declarations on the Court’s situation.

The GT-GDR-A held two meetings in March and September 2012. After the examination by DH-GDR of the two draft reports in October 2012, the Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH) examined and adopted them for transmission to the Committee of Ministers in November 2012.


The Ministers’ Deputies took note of the two CDDH reports in January 2013.

As regards the report on member States’ implementation of the Interlaken and Izmir Declarations, the Deputies endorsed the recommendations contained therein and invited member States to consider acting on those addressed to them.

As regards the effects of Protocol No.14 and implementation of the Interlaken and Izmir Declarations on the Court’s situation, the Deputies invited the CDDH to continue following up this question (see CDDH report on the longer-term future of the System of the European Convention on human Rights).

meeting reports