EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement is a platform for co-operation in the field of major natural and technological disasters. Its field of competence covers disaster risk reduction, in particular; knowledge, prevention, preparedness, risk management and post-crisis analysis. Read more about EUR-OPA Agreement >>

Back Launch of Faro Convention topical series

Fontecchio, Italy, October 2017

Fontecchio, Italy, October 2017

The Faro Convention Action plan launched a Topical series on community preparedness and post-disaster revitalisation, following a research study carried out in Fontecchio, Italy in October 2017, with the support of EUR-OPA. Scientists as well as civil organizations stressed, in the context of the Faro Convention, the active role that communities and heritage must play in this process. This series aims at generating further discussion and encouraging action in the heritage field. It bring together a selection of examples, case studies and viewpoints on specific situations across a range of European countries. Heritage and community revitalisation is approached with specific attention to heritage and social change, heritage as an ecosystem of development, and making heritage accessible to citizens. From these different angles, we see what a people-centred approach means in practice; what we need to know before we act; and what challenges exist that we may or may not be prepared for.

Link to the Faro topical Series >>

Strasbourg, France 31 May 2018
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  • Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents -  16 May 2024, (videoconference)
  • Meeting of the Bureau of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents - 14 February 2024
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