6-7 November 2023 (09:00 - 17:00), Strasbourg, France



  Documents for discussion and/or decision


  Agenda item 1 - Adoption of the draft agenda   -  AP/CAT(2023)OJ05_en


Agenda item 2 - Statement by the Executive Secretary


Agenda item 3 - Programme of activities 2023

3.1 Statutory meetings: 

Agenda item 4 - Reykjavik Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe and its significance for the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement

The declaration: "United Around our Values"

Agenda item 5 - Budgetary situation  - AP/CAT(2023)06_en


Agenda item 6 - Exchange of views with Union for the Mediterranean on possible areas of cooperation and synergies (tbc)


Agenda item 7 - Priorities of the Agreement in 2024  - AP/CAT(2021)11_en

7.1  Discussion on the agreement's priorities, including proposals from prof. Viktor Poiarkov (Permanent Correspondent, Ukraine)

  Agenda item 8 - Presentation of candidates for election to the CPC Bureau and its subordinate bodies (Sub-committee to evaluate project proposals and gender rapporteur) - AP/CAT(2022)08rev_en


  Agenda item 9 - Presentation of the "Guidelines on the use of social media, traditional media, big data and mobile phone networks, to support national measures for successful disaster risk communication"

9.1 Dr Caroline Rizza, Associate Professor, Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Brussels


Agenda item 10 - Synergies on climate change: collaboration between the Bern Convention, the Landscape Convention and EUR-OPA


  Agenda item 11- Election of the Bureau of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents

  • Renewal of mandates and election of new members to subordinate bodies

Agenda item 12 - Programme of activities 2023 (continued) 

  • The directors of specialised centres present the project achievements for 2023 and the project proposals for 2024 (8 minutes maximum)

Agenda item 13 - Other operational activities in 2023

Agenda item 14 - Any other business


  Agenda item 15 - Date and place of the next meeting