10-11 February 2022 (9.30 - 16.30), Videoconference



Documents for discussion and/or decision


Agenda Item 1


Agenda Item 2 - Statement by the Executive Secretary


Agenda Item 3 - Follow-up of the EUR-OPA Ministerial Meeting

Revised Medium-Term Plan 2021-2025 - AP/CAT(2021)11_en / AP/CAT(2021)11_ru


Agenda Item 4 - Budgetary Situation


Agenda Item 5 - Adoption of the Budget 2022

Draft budget for 2022 - AP/CAT(2021)12


Agenda Item 6 - Presentation of candidates with a view to election of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents Chair and two Vice-Chairs and possible election of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents Chair and two Vice-Chairs

  •  Rules of procedure of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement - AP/CAT(2007)32


Agenda Item 7 - Creation of a subcommittee to evaluate the project proposals of the Specialised Centres

  •  Rules of procedure of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement - AP/CAT(2007)32


Agenda Item 8 - Revision of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents


Agenda Item 9 - Programme of activities 2021 - 2022

9.1 Statutory meetings


 (continuation) Agenda Item 6 - Election of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents Chair and two Vice-Chairs 


9.2 Specialised Centres: Results of 2021 projects and proposals for 2022 projects


Agenda Item 10 - Operational activities in 2022

10.1 - Other operational activities


Agenda Item 11 - Any Other Business


 Agenda Item 12 - Date and place of the next meeting


Presentations of the Specialised Centres

  • BeSafeNet - European Centre for Disaster Awareness
  • CERU - European Centre on Urban Risks
  • CUEBC - European University for Cultural Heritage
  • ECBR - European Center for Buildings Rehabilitation
  • ECFF - European Center for Forest Fires
  • ECILS - European Centre for Vulnerability of Industrial and Lifeline Systems
  • ECNTRM - European Centre for New Technologies of Risk Management
  • ECPFE - European Center on Prevention and Forecasting of Earthquakes 
  • GFMC - Global Fire Monitoring Center
  • ICoD - Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics