Documents - Joint meeting of the Directors of Specialised Centres and the Committee of Permanent Correspondents 

5-6 November 2019 (9.00 - 17.30), Paris, France

 Documents for discussion and/or decision

Agenda Item 1

Agenda Item 2. Statement by the Executive Secretary

Agenda Item 3. Programme of activities 2019

3.1 Statutory meetings

  • Report of the Joint Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Correspondents with the Directors of the Specialised Centres (Zagreb, Croatia, 6-7 November 2018)AP/CAT(2018)16
  • Reports of the CPC Bureau meetings in April and October 2019 - AP/CAT(2019)02 and AP/CAT(2019)09

3.2 Specialised Centres: Results of 2019 projects and update on 2020 projects

3.3 Operational Activities

  • Promoting risk culture among the population

3.3.1 Results of the 2019 Olympiad and debriefing on the Awards Ceremony, Strasbourg, 12 June.

3.3.2 Workshop on "The inclusion of vulnerable groups in disaster risk reduction", 18-19 September 2019, Baku, Azerbaijan.

3.3.3 Synergies on climate change: collaboration between the Bern Convention and EUR-OPA. T-PVS/Inf(2018)11 

3.3.4  Joint meeting of the groups of experts on protected areas and ecological networks and on biodiversity and climate change (more information)

  • Involvement in international initiatives 

EUR-OPA's contribution to the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, 14-17 May 2019, Geneva, Switzerland. 

Links: UN Global Platform  |  Chairs' Summary  EUR-OPA Official Statement                                          

Agenda Item 4 . Programme of EUR-OPA Activities 2020-2021

4.1 Priority activities for 2020-21 work programme. AP/CAT(2019)04

4.2 International Conference on Urban Risks (ICUR2020), 25-27 June 2020, Lisbon, Portugal.

4.3 Planning and preparation of the next EFDRR in 2021, Porto, Portugal and the EFDRR 2020-30 road map.
First announcement  |  Website

4.4 Preparation of the next EUR-OPA ministerial session in 2021. Proposal to host the session back-to-back with the EFDRR in Porto, Portugal.

Agenda Item 5. Budget for 2020-21  AP/CAT(2019)05

Agenda Item 6. Election of the CPC Chair and two Vice-Chair  AP/CAT (2007) 32

Agenda Item 7. Any Other Business 

Agenda Item 8. Date and place of the next joint meeting

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