Back 25% for women directors in 2022

25% for women directors in 2022

Eurimages launches a new measure to boost gender equality in 2022

Eurimages is pleased to announce that a new measure in favour of women directors is to be implemented in 2022. This will allow projects involving a female director to apply to Eurimages for support amounts of up to 25% of the total budget across all genres (fiction, animation, documentary). The maximum support amount of 500 000 euros continues to apply.

This boost for feature film projects directed or co-directed by women is part of a Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan adopted by the Eurimages Board of Management on 16 october 2020 and covering the period 2021 – 2023.

As part of its strategy, Eurimages has embraced the aim of achieving equal distribution of co-production funding between women and men.  This new boost to the funding available for female directors will contribute to achieving this aim.

At the last meeting of the Board of Management held in December 2021, before the introduction of the new measure, the share of eligible projects with female directors examined was 33.12%. 48.65% of the projects supported were directed by women and €3,962,000 was awarded to these projects, representing 43.34% of the total amount awarded.

20 December 2021
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