Back Octopus Conference 2021: Registrations are now open!

Octopus Conference 2021: Registrations are now open!

Registrations are now open for this year’s Octopus Conference, which will take place on 16-18 November!

The Octopus Conference provides an opportunity for cybercrime experts from public and private sectors as well as international and non-governmental organizations from all over the world to share experience and develop responses.

Given the uncertain COVID-19 situation and to remain inclusive, this event will be held online.

A special event with high level interventions will be organized on 16 November in cooperation with the Hungarian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Budapest Convention and the forthcoming 2nd additional Protocol on enhanced cooperation and disclosure of electronic evidence.

On 17 and 18 November, multiple workshops will punctuate the day, including regional workshops (for Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Pacific, Africa) and thematic workshops (Capacity building, Ransomware, AI…)., as well as “lightning talks” with successful proposals of ideas, projects, calls to action presented by participants.

A closing Plenary session will take a look at Octopus take-aways.

Registrations are open until 7 November 2021.

 More information on this year’s Octopus Conference and the agenda

 More information on the lightning talks sessions and how to submit a proposal

Registration form to attend the Octopus Conference workshops

Registration form to present during the Octopus Conference lighting talks sessions

 Octopus Conference 2021: Leaflet [EN] | Dépliant [FR] | Folleto [ES]

Strasbourg 20 September 2021
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