Back Towards a Protocol to the Budapest Convention: Further consultations

Srasbourg, FRANCE , 
Towards a Protocol to the Budapest Convention: Further consultations

Following consultations with data protection, civil society, industry and others, during the Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY) meeting from  29 November 2018, additional contributions are now sought.  

Stakeholders are invited to send written comments by 20 February 2019 on the provisional draft text on "emergency mutual assistance" and "languages of requests" (to be sent to [email protected] )

Provisional draft text of provisions: Language of requests; Emergency MLA [EN, 29 November 2018]


23rd T-CY Plenary (30 November 2020)

7th Protocol Drafting Plenary (1-3 December 2020)


T-CY Secretariat 

Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary

Programme Manager


Programme Assistant

Contact the Secretariat