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Action-oriented plurilingual mediation in collaborative tasks

The first webinar of CEFR Webinar Series 2021 entitled "Action-oriented plurilingual mediation in collaborative tasks” took place on 4 February 2021.

The webinar reminded participants of the implications for classroom practice of the concept of mediation, as outlined in the CEFR Companion Volume, before presenting for discussion examples of action-oriented tasks in which learners mediate texts and concepts, using different languages.

It was moderated by Brian North. Dr North has been a researcher and consultant to the Council of Europe since 1991 and is a former chair of Eaquals. After developing the CEFR levels and descriptors in his PhD in a Swiss National Science Foundation project, he co-authored the CEFR itself, the prototype European Language Portfolio, the manual for relating assessments to the CEFR, Eaquals’ CEFR core inventories (English and French) and the CEFR Companion Volume. Other CEFR-related projects include investigation of CEFR use in Canada and Switzerland, alignment of the Canadian Language Benchmarks to the CEFR and the ECML’s CEFR QualiMatrix. Publications include: Development of a Common Framework Scale of Language Proficiency (2000: Peter Lang); The CEFR in Practice (2014: Cambridge); Language Course Planning (with M. Angelova, E. Jarosz & R. Rossner: 2018: Oxford), and The Action-oriented Approach (with E. Piccardo, 2019: Multilingual Matters).

Download the Handout

Download the Background reading

Download the Presentation

Watch the Presentation (39:23)

Watch the Handout explanation (08:51)

Watch the Discussion (23:09)

Online 4 February 2021
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Visual identity of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

The CEFR online :

CEFR - Companion volume (2020)

CEFR Descriptors (Searchable)

French version (Version française)

Arabic version (النسخة العربية)

Basque version (Euskarazko bertsioa)

Italian version (Versione italiana)

Spanish version (Versión en español)

Turkish version (Türkçe versiyonu)

International Sign Language (Translated from the Orginal version)

CEFR (2001)

Language Policy Portal