October 2022

Week 3 to 7 October

Monday 3

    Tuesday 4

      Wednesday 5

        Thursday 6

          Friday 7

            Week 10 to 14 October

            Monday 10

              Tuesday 11

                Wednesday 12

                  Thursday 13

                    Friday 14

                      Week 17 to 21 October

                      Monday 17

                        Tuesday 18

                          Wednesday 19

                            Thursday 20

                              Friday 21

                                Week 24 to 28 October

                                Monday 24

                                  Tuesday 25

                                    Wednesday 26

                                      Thursday 27

                                        Friday 28

                                          Week 31 October

                                          Monday 31

                                          • 15-00 type-gr 15:00 18:00 GR-PBA - Rapporteur Group on Programme, Budget and Administration (CM Room)
                                          • 15-00 type-gr 15:00 18:00 GT-SOM4 - Ad hoc Working Party to reflect on the organisational and other arrangements for a possible 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe (CM Room)
                                          • 10-00 type-gr 10:00 13:00 GR-PBA - Rapporteur Group on Programme, Budget and Administration (CM Room)
                                          • 15-00 type-gr 15:00 18:00 GR-PBA - Rapporteur Group on Programme, Budget and Administration (CM Room) - continued
                                          • 09-00 type-deputies 09:00 18:00 1446th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies (CM Room)
                                          • 09-30 type-deputies 09:30 10:00 1446th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies (CM Room) - continued
                                          • 10-30 type-gr 10:30 13:00 GT-SOM4 - Ad hoc Working Party to reflect on the organisational and other arrangements for a possible 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe (CM Room)
                                          • 09-00 type-other 09:00 12:00 EPA Statutory Committee of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (Room 6)
                                          • 13-30 type-gr 13:30 14:30 Informal meeting of the GR-PBA - Rapporteur Group on Programme, Budget and Administration (Room 13)
                                          • 09-30 type-deputies 09:30 18:00 1445th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies (CM Room and videoconference)
                                          • 15-00 type-gr 15:00 18:00 GR-SOC - Rapporteur Group on Social and Health Questions (CM Room)
                                          • 15-00 type-gr 15:00 18:00 GR-PBA - Rapporteur Group on Programme, Budget and Administration (CM Room)
                                          • 00-00 type-other 00:00 00:00 Non-working day (Council of Europe)
                                          • 15-00 type-gr 15:00 18:00 GR-DEM - Rapporteur Group on Democracy (CM Room)
                                          • 15-00 type-gr 15:00 18:00 GR-H - Rapporteur Group on Human Rights (CM Room)
                                          • 10-00 type-deputies 10:00 13:00 Informal meeting of the Ministers' Deputies - "Strategies to promote tolerance and combat hate" (CM Room)
                                          • 09-00 type-gr 09:00 10:00 GR-EXT - Rapporteur Group on External Relations - Exchange of views with Mr M. Á. Moratinos, High Representative for the UN Alliance of Civilizations (CM Room)
                                          • 11-00 type-other 11:00 11:30 Information briefing - 1446th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies (CM Room)
                                          • 10-00 type-other 10:00 11:00 Communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Parliamentary Assembly (Hemicycle)
                                          • 15-30 type-other 15:30 17:00 Joint Committee (Room 5)
                                          • 11-15 type-gr 11:15 18:00 GR-PBA - Rapporteur Group on Programme, Budget and Administration (CM Room and videoconference)
                                          • 09-00 type-gr 09:00 11:00 GT-SOM4 - Ad hoc Working Party to reflect on the organisational and other arrangements for a possible 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe (CM Room and videoconference)
                                          • 15-00 type-gr 15:00 18:00 GR-H - Rapporteur Group on Human Rights - Informal exchange of views between the GR-H and representatives of civil society (CM Room and videoconference)
                                          • 10-00 type-deputies 10:00 13:00 Informal meeting of the Ministers' Deputies on Human Rights and the Environment (CM Room and videoconference)
                                          • 08-30 type-other 08:30 09:30 GRECO Statutory Committee of the Group of States against corruption (CM Room)
                                          • 15-00 type-gr 15:00 18:00 GT-CHARTE - Ad hoc working party on improving the European Social Charter system (CM Room and videoconference)
                                          • 10-00 type-gr 10:00 13:00 GR-C - Rapporteur Group on Education, Culture, Sport, Youth and Environment (CM Room and videoconference)
                                          • 11-00 type-other 11:00 11:30 Information briefing - 1445th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies (CM Room and videoconference)
                                          • Legend

                                            •  Session of the Committee of Ministers
                                            •  Meeting of the Ministers' Deputies
                                            •  Meeting of the Ministers' Deputies - Human Rights (DH)
                                            •  Meeting of a Rapporteur or Working Group
                                            •  Other meeting